International anti corruption day poster concept Vector Image

President Muhammadu Buhari could not “kill” nor stop corruption.


Until a few months ago – and a few months here could really have translated into close to Eight Years, above caption [In Nigeria, what corruption cannot do, more corruption will do it] had no definite meaning to Nigerians.

Yes, and it would not have made any sense because the Nigerian Martyr of the special coinage did not put it exactly that “what corruption cannot do, more corruption will do it”. But instead, he said “what money cannot do, more money will do it”.

And the creator of the slogan, who was a State governor in the oil-rich South/South geopolitical zone, in Nigeria, translated the slogan into reality, in all spheres of human endeavous, during his tenure.

With more money, he developed the State where he presided. He brought infrastructural development to the fore. He was such a very generous human being. He showed this attribute to all that knew him, including all that visited him – home and abroad.

The State where he presided was created on September 23, 1987. And all those – both military and civilian, that presided in the State before he was elected as governor, enjoyed his largess more than any other State in the federation.

Every year, the martyr of “what money cannot do, more money would do it” would invite all his predecessors in office, and their spouses, to the State’s headquarters, and entertained them lavishly. All his guests, at such times, returned home with brand new cars and largess of cash, for both husbands and wives.

He; the Martyr of the slogan, also developed, to full capacity criminality, cruelty, assassination and all other malfeasances, or vices, along that “route”. He was most brutal in the prosecution of his political agenda. To stand against his wishes in political matters was to receive death sentence.

In all, this phenomenon was a man of “uncommon” agenda development. Even now, he still; though diminishing seriously, wields his influence and power of “what money cannot do, more money would do it” in Nigeria.

He named himself as an uncommon transformer.

If you are in doubt, ask a Senate President that has learnt great deal from him, and has been able to introduce absurdity into the inner room of the Temple of Justice in Nigeria.

Take note please, I did not say Supreme Court, but Inner room of Temple of Justice.

We can now turn around and juxtapose this against the topic and caption of today’ discuss – In Nigeria, what corruption cannot do, more corruption will do it. As earlier pointed out, this new slogan was introduced to the Nigerian lexicon just a few years ago. Precisely, Eight Years ago – short of two months only.

The topic came flowing into the Nigerian main stream with the entrance of Muhammadu Buhari in 2015, when he was democratically elected and sworn-in as President. And that was May 29, 2015.

The first signal that corruption was coming was when he voiced out his contempt for appointment of Ministers to form a Cabinet. It took him exactly 6 months to do that exercise. And even at a point, he asked: why are Nigerians so much concerned about appointment of ministers – what is the big deal about them; are they not noise makers? When he eventually appointed his noise makers, the appointees were not a selection of so much of people of integrity, as Nigerians that waited that long expected. It was more of mixed grill; they were individuals known to Nigerians as a people with not too much clean records.

The second thing that compounded the Nigerian peoples’ fear; that corruption was on its way. Nigerians were not to be blamed on that expectation and suspicion, because Muhammadu Buhari arrived the scene, announcing himself as a God appointed anti-corruption Czar – with a slogan of “either killing corruption or corruption will killing Nigeria”.

Nevertheless, Nigerians waited patiently for the manifestation of their new president in actualizing his manifesto of killing corruption. They [Nigerians] waited keenly. Not too many Nigerians interrogated the influence of those that helped, in railing the man; Buhari, into the presidency.

Because if they had navigated questions into the lifestyle of men of timber and calibre that financially sponsored Buhari into power, they would have known from the beginning that killing corruption was just an empty talk. It would have done on them that what corruption established, corruption would fully sustains.

That became the fait accompli navigation chart the Nigerian people never studied at the situation room. And for that failure, Nigeria and Nigerians have been railroaded into the bottomless pit of corruption where recovery is almost becoming impossible. At least, there is no hope of coming out of this pit – not for now.

I may want to submit that until the Nigerian Judiciary; as epitomized by the Supreme Court, was almost totally emerged in the cloud of corruption, as evident by some judgements lacking judicial sanity, we did not know that we have gone that deep into corruption. And when those ludicrous and ridiculous judgments came to play out that Nigerians knew it was finished – finito cascara tetelestai; in Greek language.

Now that the door to Justice through the Nigerian Judiciary is being permanently closed against Nigerians, through the instrumentality of corruption, what shall be the legacy Muhammadu Buhari will be leaving us with?

Now that the House or Temple Justice; which is the last hope of the Nigerian people has collapsed, where are we turning to for hope, solace and Suncor?

Or, now that we are going back to the Courts for the choice of a President that we elected or never elected – for if the truth is to be told, the final choice of the Nigerian people’s president has been taken away from the electorate and handed over to the judiciary; probably a Panel of 7 justices, whom may be having more interests in their account balances than the rule of law,  can it not be concluded that in Nigeria, what corruption cannot do, more corruption will do it?

Let the melodious music of corruption plays on!

Godwin Etakibuebu; a veteran Journalist, wrote from Lagos.



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  1. Judith Reply

    May God help us
    Sir when will you give an indept perspective into the civil war,so the truth will finally be exposed
    God will continue to bless you sir

  2. George Smith Reply

    May God lift you up sir and may your wisdom never go down, sir please i would want you to help us with a deep insight into the creators of corruption in this country, how is was originated and why is it very difficult to eliminate it from our country. Thank you sir.

  3. Obukaroro Reply

    This topic: IN NIGERIA, WHAT CORRUPTION CANNOT DO, MORE CORRUPTION WILL DO IT is so real that even the blind see it, the deaf hear it, the dumb speak it. Our failure to do something about it is our bane. Those who are perpetrating the acts of corruption are at the top so they cannot fight it. They won’t even make attempt. It has come to the point when the people, the common people should weld their power by kicking against every act of corruption. In simple word – REVOLUTION.

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